Breeding Scalar Fish: A Complete Guide
Breeding scalar fish, also known as angelfish, is an exciting endeavor for aquarists. These majestic fish, with their elegant forms and graceful movements, are highly prized in the aquarium world. However, their reproduction requires some preparation and careful care. Here is a complete guide to help you successfully raise angelfish.
1. Preparing the Breeding Aquarium
Before starting breeding angelfish, it is essential to prepare a suitable environment for the breeding fish. Here are the key elements:
- Aquarium size : A 100 liter aquarium is the minimum recommended for a pair of angelfish, but bigger is always better.
- Water quality : Maintain a temperature between 26°C and 28°C, a pH of 6.5 to 7.0 and a hardness of 3 to 8 dGH.
- Decor and Substrate : Use a dark substrate and add tall plants, rocks and roots to provide hiding places and potential egg-laying surfaces. Angelfish prefer to lay eggs on vertical surfaces.
2. Selection of Breeders
Choosing the right breeders is crucial for successful breeding:
- Health : Select healthy fish with no signs of disease or stress.
- Compatibility : Observe fish to identify naturally formed pairs. Angelfish are often monogamous and form strong pair bonds.
3. Conditioning of Breeders
Before putting them together for breeding, it is important to condition the angelfish with a rich and varied diet for several weeks. Offer them live or frozen foods like bloodworms, brine shrimp, and daphnia to boost their readiness to breed.
4. Reproduction
When conditions are optimal and the fish are ready, reproduction can begin:
- Initial Separation : If you have multiple fish in the same tank, it may be helpful to move the breeding pair to a dedicated breeding tank.
- Observation of behavior : The couple will begin to clear a vertical surface to lay their eggs.
- Laying : The female will lay a row of eggs which the male will immediately fertilize. This process may be repeated several times until several hundred eggs are laid.
5. Egg Care
After laying, the parents usually take care of the eggs, fanning them with their fins to prevent mold and parasites. Here are some additional tips:
- Safety : If the eggs are threatened by other fish, it may be necessary to remove other inhabitants from the aquarium or move the eggs to an incubator.
- Observation : The eggs generally hatch after 2 to 3 days.
6. Care of Fry
Once the eggs hatch, the fry will remain attached to surfaces for a few days, feeding on their yolk sac. Then they will start swimming freely and looking for food.
- Food : Start feeding the fry with infusoria, then gradually move on to brine shrimp nauplii.
- Water Quality : Maintain clean water with regular water changes to ensure healthy growth.
7. Growth and Separation
As the fry grow, it may be necessary to separate them based on size to avoid overpopulation and aggressive behavior. Make sure you give them enough space to grow and develop properly.
Breeding scalar fish requires patience, preparation, and careful attention to detail. By following these steps and providing the best care possible, you can successfully raise these magnificent fish and enjoy their beauty and fascinating behavior in your aquarium. Good luck and happy breeding!